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How Much Does Replacing a Septic System Cost?

$ $ Septic Tank: $725-$2,660 $ $ $ Septic System: $4,000-$17,000+

A septic system is an underground wastewater treatment structure that is most commonly used in rural areas that don’t have centralized sewer systems, so they can treat their wastewater.

When It’s Time To Replace A Septic System?

According to, there are several signs and symptoms that will tell you it’s time to replace your septic system, such as:

  • Backed-Up Pipes
  • Tank Problems
  • Puddles
  • Greener Grass
  • Well Water Contamination

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has also mentioned the signs of a malfunctioning septic system:

  • Wastewater backing up into household drains.
  • Bright green, spongy grass on the drainfield, especially during dry weather.
  • Pooling water or muddy soil around your septic system or in your basement.
  • A strong odor around the septic tank and drainfield.

What Affects The Price Of A Septic System?

The cost of a septic system will depend on the soil conditions, the size of the system, the design, maintenance requirements, your geographical region, and the professional hired to perform the job.

Then, on average, installing a septic system can cost from $4,000 to $17,000 or more. 

If you only need to buy the septic tank, this will cost depending on the size of the tank, which depends on the number of rooms your house has; a 3-bedroom home typically uses a 1000 gallons tank, which ranges from $600 to $1,200.

Tank Material Tank Gallon Size House Size Tank Cost
Polyethylene 500 1 bedroom $725
Polyethylene 750 2 bedroom $1,200
Polyethylene 1,000 3 bedroom $1,310
Fiberglass 1,000 3 bedroom $2,300
Polyethylene 1,250 3-4 bedroom $2,100
Concrete 1,250 3-4 bedroom $2,510
Fiberglass 1,250 3-4 bedroom $2,350
Polyethylene 1,500 5-6 bedroom $2,340
Concrete 1,500 5-6 bedroom $2,660
Fiberglass 1,500 5-6 bedroom $2,660

Top Companies

Septic systems are installed by a company licensed for such work; Byers, Martin Septic, and The Jensen Brothers are some companies that specialize in this type of work.

Also, you can look at certain online websites that will help you get a quotation from engineers and contractors near your location like and

Things to consider

Before Buying

  1. First, it’s important to have a site evaluation before even starting with the septic system, which can cost from $200 to $500.
  2. After the evaluation of the site, you will need a permit from the local authorities to let you construct the septic system.
  3. There are cities that don’t accept the construction of septic systems. Check with your local health department to see if you are located in one of these states.

When Buying

  1. Some states will require that the septic system has a control panel which can increase the costs.
  2. If the location where you want to install the septic system is situated somewhere with a high water table, the installation price will arise.

After Buying

  1. Some cities require that owners need to keep a maintenance schedule and a maintenance contract for their septic systems. Typically, these routine inspections are made once a year.
Giovanna Soto