Costopedia / Parenting / How Much Do Baby Clothes Cost?

How Much Do Baby Clothes Cost?

$ As Low As $5 A Piece $ $ $ As High As $200 A Piece

We can classify baby clothes as an ongoing expense: it’s something you’ll need to keep buying probably until your child leaves home for college!

Especially during the first few months and years when the child is expected to grow and get taller and bigger at a rapid pace.

But how much is the normal cost of baby clothes?

We’ll review here some points that you should consider before going shopping for baby clothes and we’ll also talk about what to expect when it comes to price ranges for baby clothes.

What Does My Baby Need?

This will greatly differ depending on where you live, the weather in your city or town, the stores available, whether your household has one or two incomes, and, ultimately, your budget for baby clothes.

The weather is a major factor here because the colder it gets where you live, the more clothes and accessories your baby will need (scarfs, gloves, hats, to name a few).

If you count with one or two incomes can also affect how much money you’re willing to spend on baby clothes, so it’s also a decisive element here.

The stores available in your town could be important if you live in a rural area, but nowadays there are a lot of alternatives online, so you can easily find different brands, stores and almost endless options to get clothes for your baby.

Are Secondhand Stores An Option?

If you have a tight budget, you might consider looking for baby clothes in secondhand stores.

There are even groups on social media where you can find parents exchanging or selling clothes, even brand-new, that never really fitted their baby, so this could be a great way to save money and/or exchange things your baby no longer needs.

Are You Having A Baby Shower?

Baby Showers can also be a great way to save money, especially if you decide to make a gift list.

The idea behind creating a gift list is to avoid people giving you the same gift over and over, or giving you things you’ve already bought.

So even if some people might not appreciate the idea of being told what to get for you or your baby, it is a practical and responsible approach to organize all the things your baby needs, including baby clothes.

If you already know the gender of your baby and you want a certain type of clothes, you can put that on the list, or you could even put different clothing sizes, so your baby can have more options as he or she starts to grow.

Quality Over Quantity

When you buy baby clothes, it’s always better to get good quality items that will last as much as your baby needs them.

High prices don’t necessarily mean good quality, so it would be advisable to ask other parents you know -or you could use social media here- about what brands or materials have lasted longer for their kids.

This could help you save money by not getting bad-quality items that you’ll need to replace before your baby needs them.

What Is A Regular Budget For Baby Clothes?

In a year, you could expect to spend between $150 to $600 on baby clothes.

But again, this will vary according to some of the factors we have previously mentioned here.

You can find single pieces for as low as $5 for newborns, or as high as $200 apiece, depending on the brand and materials used.

You could also get different outfits that you can combine, so you’re not that limited by always using onesies, for example.

In the end, it’s preferable to come up with a budget before going shopping and discussing with your partner what you both want and need for the new baby.

Alessandra Spaziani Lara
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